With an expansive structure and exciting job opportunities reaching across the state of Victoria, working for VAEAI is an exciting and rewarding experience.
Our latest job opportunities and vacancies are published to this page.
VAEAI is a State-wide community based organisation representing Local Aboriginal Education Consultative Groups (LAECGs), across eight regions in Victoria. LAECGs are the primary source of local advice on education and training matters and participate as equal partners in the planning, development, operation, monitoring and evaluation of education, training and employment programs across at the local level.
North-East Marrung Facilitator – Identified Position.
This position is open only to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People.
Marrung sets out the blueprint for Koorie learners across the life course from early childhood through to schools, and vocational education and training (including higher education). VAEAI, is the principal partner to the Victorian Department of Education and Training, in codesign and supporting the implementation of Marrung. The Marrung Facilitator will play a key role in VAEAI’s efforts to support the implementation of Marrung by focusing on facilitating, coordinating and supporting Marrung related activities undertaken by the LAECGs and throughout VAEAI operations.
What VAEAI offers:
- a competitive salary: $84,000 plus a car, superannuation and access to salary packaging (essentially putting more money in your pocket each week) with room to increase your wage as you increase your skills;
- access to training to help you in your role;
- support from other VAEAI team members to help you build your networks and relationships and provide advice on any issues you need help with;
- generous employment conditions including extra annual leave (up to 6 weeks per annum in total);
- a family friendly environment.
Applications close
Close of Business, Monday 17th of February 2025. All applications need to address the selection criteria and should be sent to [email protected]
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Schools Project Officer – Identified Position.
This position is open only to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People.
Marrung sets out the blueprint for Koorie learners across the life course from early childhood through to schools, and vocational education and training (including higher education). VAEAI, is the principal partner to the Victorian Department of Education and Training, in co-design and supporting the implementation of Marrung.
The Schools Coordinator Project Officer is responsible for coordinating initiatives, programs and activities that support community and parents/ carers to engage with the school system, build the capacity of Local Aboriginal Education Consultative Groups to participate in education and training decision making and contribute to developing positive and inclusive learning environments for Koorie students.
What VAEAI offers:
- a competitive salary: $80,000 plus a car, superannuation and access to salary packaging (essentially putting more money in your pocket each week) with room to increase your wage as you increase your skills;
- access to training to help you in your role;
- support from other VAEAI team members to help you build your networks and relationships and provide advice on any issues you need help with;
- generous employment conditions including extra annual leave (up to 6 weeks per annum in total);
- a family friendly environment.
Applications close
Close of Business, Monday 17th of February 2025. All applications need to address the selection criteria and should be sent to [email protected]
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Koorie Academy of Excellence Facilitator – Identified Position.
This position is open only to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People.
The Koorie Academy of Excellence Facilitator is a new position established to support the implementation of the Academies in the new locations and ensure there is consistency in how the successful North-West model is replicated. In each location a Local Koorie Academy of Excellence Advisory Committee will ensure appropriate stakeholder engagement and input from the local Koorie community.
This position will focus on supporting the VAEAI and LAECG representatives co-chairing KAE Advisory Committees to support the consistent implementation of the KAE’s across Victoria, while ensuring each KAE reflects the priorities and aspirations of their local Koorie community. Each of the four KAE Advisory Committees will participate on the KAE Statewide Steering Group providing advice and information to further support consistent implementation across all sights.
What VAEAI offers:
- a competitive salary: $85,000 plus a car, superannuation and access to salary packaging (essentially putting more money in your pocket each week) with room to increase your wage as you increase your skills;
- access to training to help you in your role;
- support from other VAEAI team members to help you build your networks and relationships and provide advice on any issues you need help with;
- generous employment conditions including extra annual leave (up to 6 weeks per annum in total);
- a family friendly environment.
Applications close
Close of Business, Monday 17th of February 2025. All applications need to address the selection criteria and should be sent to [email protected]
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Metro North-East Early Years Engagement Facilitator – Identified Position.
This position is open only to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People.
Early Years Engagement Facilitators will work with the Early Years Learning Networks to develop place-based approaches that facilitate the connection between early childhood teachers and educators with their local Koorie community, to build the capability of the early childhood services to deepen their knowledge and practice of Aboriginal inclusion and perspectives in early learning environments.
Early Years Engagement Facilitators sit within VAEAI’s Early Years Unit, under the leadership of the Early Years Manager. Facilitators are an important part of VAEAI’s Early Years team and make an important contribution to VAEAI’s overall Early Years programs and initiatives which support sector capacity building that increases access and positive outcomes for Koorie children and their families.
Early Years Engagement Facilitators will be located in each of the eight VAEAI regions across Victoria.
This role covers the north area of Northern Metropolitan Melbourne.
What VAEAI offers:
- a competitive salary: $82,500 plus a car, superannuation and access to salary packaging (essentially putting more money in your pocket each week) with room to increase your wage as you increase your skills;
- access to training to help you in your role;
- support from other VAEAI team members to help you build your networks and relationships and provide advice on any issues you need help with;
- generous employment conditions including extra annual leave (up to 6 weeks per annum in total);
- a family friendly environment.
Applications close
Close of Business, Monday 17th of February 2025. All applications need to address the selection criteria and should be sent to [email protected]
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Goulburn Valley Wurreker Broker– Identified Position.
We are looking for people who are passionate about Koorie education and training and who would like to join our team.
The Wurreker Strategy ensures that training is consistent with Koorie community identified needs, links training to employment opportunities and empowers LAECGs and Koorie people in their role in the planning and endorsement of training available through post-compulsory education providers.
In 2016 Marrung – Aboriginal Education Plan 2016 – 2026 was launched setting out a blueprint for Koorie learners across the life course, from early childhood through to schooling, and vocational education and training (including higher education).
From January 2017 the Victorian Government also began to restructure Victoria’s training and TAFE system. Skills First aims to ensure Victoria’s training and TAFE system is better managed and delivers programs that lead to jobs.
The Wurreker Strategy continues to be a key enabling Koorie strategy for the Government to deliver on its education and training agenda (The Education State), Marrung and Skills First, specifically the goals relating to the vocational education and training sector (VET).
What VAEAI offers:
- a competitive salary: $80,000 plus a car, superannuation and access to salary packaging (essentially putting more money in your pocket each week) with room to increase your wage as you increase your skills;
- access to training to help you in your role;
- support from other VAEAI team members to help you build your networks and relationships and provide advice on any issues you need help with;
- generous employment conditions including extra annual leave (up to 6 weeks per annum in total);
- a family friendly environment.
Applications close
Close of Business, Monday, 17th of February 2025. All applications need to address the selection criteria and should be sent to [email protected]
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