2022 Wurreker Awards are back!
It’s a night to celebrate the people and organisations that passionately contribute to Koorie training, education and employment.
VAEAI’s Annual Wurreker Awards are an important part of our approach to growing success in Koorie training and education and the event highlights how high-quality learning and experience can open up new directions and pathways for Koorie people.
To nominate, download our Nominations Booklet here: Invalid download ID.
Nominations must be received by no later than close of business 20th August 2022.
All nominations must be sent to:
VAEAI, P.O Box 113, Northcote 3070 or [email protected]
Alternatively, you can send the nominations to your Wurreker Regional Broker.
If you have any queries regarding the VAEAI Wurreker Awards, please contact the VAEAI office on (03) 9481-0800 or [email protected] or your Wurreker Regional Broker.
2022 Categories
Community Based Employee
Outstanding achievement in community-based employment programs or initiatives.
Eligibility Requirement:
Must be a Koorie person employed by a Victorian Aboriginal Community Based Organisation who has achieved excellent outcomes from participation in a community-based employment program or initiative.
Private Sector Employee
Outstanding achievement in private sector-based employment programs or initiatives.
Eligibility Requirement:
Must be a Koorie person employed by a Victorian private sector employer, who has made a significant contribution to their workplace and/or made significant progress in his/her career.
Outstanding achievement in the delivery of training to Victorian Koorie students.
Eligibility Requirement:
Must be a Trainer employed by a Victorian Registered Training Organisation, Learn Local or University able to demonstrate innovative, flexible and effective training delivery to Koorie students.
Public Sector Employee
Outstanding achievement in public sector-based employment programs or initiatives.
Eligibility requirement:
Must be a Koorie person employed in the Victorian public sector who has made a significant contribution to their workplace and/or made significant progress in his/her career. Each award category will be judged on a points system that will be applied at both the shortlisting and interview stages of the selection process.
Koorie Organisation – Dr Mary Atkinson Award
The development and/or delivery of training programs which build the skills of the workforce and the overall capabilities of Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) in Victoria.
Eligibility Requirement:
Applicants must be a Victorian Aboriginal Community based organisation able to demonstrate its role in the development and/or delivery of effective Koorie training programs.
Innovative Koorie Learner Pathways
There are two awards in this category – TAFE Providers and Non-TAFE Training Providers
This award is for new and innovative Community driven/led programs and initiatives (including partnerships) that have resulted in improved pathways and career or employment outcomes for Koorie learners in Victoria.
Eligibility Requirement:
Award 1 – TAFE Provider
Must be a Victorian TAFE Institute actively involved in community driven partnership arrangements which support career development and employment outcomes for its Koorie students.
Award 2 – Non-TAFE Provider
Must be either a Victorian Learn Local, Private Registered Training Organisation or University provider supporting the Wurreker Strategy through active involvement in community driven partnership arrangements which support career development and employment outcomes for its Koorie students.
Private Sector Employer
Development and/or delivery of Innovative employment and training programs or initiatives.
Eligibility Requirement:
Must be a private sector employer of Victorian Koories able to demonstrate innovation in employment and training targeted to Koories.
Community Based Employer
Development and/or delivery of community employment programs or initiatives.
Eligibility Requirement:
Must be a Victorian community-based employer able to demonstrate good/best practice in the design and delivery of Koorie employment programs or initiatives.
Government Employer
Development and/or delivery of innovative employment and training initiatives and/or programs.
Eligibility Requirement:
Must be a Victorian Public Sector or Local Government Employer able to demonstrate good/best practice in the design and delivery of Koorie employment programs or initiatives.