The Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Incorporated (VAEAI) are pleased to launch the Koorie Education in Learn Locals: Best Practice and Protocols guide.
The guide has been developed in partnership with the Adult Community and Further Education (ACFE) Board, as part of the Self-determination in Local Koorie Education Initiative.
This initiative will give guidance to over 200 Learn Locals providers on respectful and meaningful ways of engaging and working with Koorie learners, families, educators, Elders and the broader Koorie community in training across Victoria.
Koorie Education in Learn Locals: Best Practice and Protocols
Koorie Education in Learn Locals PosterĀ

There are ten protocols in the guide:
1. Valuing Koorie Perspectives
2. Building relationships with community
3. Working with the Koorie Education workforce
4. Respecting the diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
5. Including Koorie Content
6. Teaching Koorie Learners
7. Languages and Respectful Communication
8. Respecting the Privacy of Koorie Learners
9. Hosting Events
10. Acknowledging and Addressing Racism
The publication was officially launched on 17th of April at the Victorian Aboriginal Community Services Association Limited (VACSAL), an Aboriginal community-controlled organisation and Learn Local provider.
VAEAI President, Geraldine Atkinson, Minister for Skills and TAFE and Minister for Regional Development, Gayle Tierney, and ACFE Board Chairperson, Teresa De Fazio, attended the launch and all spoke proudly of the impact these protocols could lead to, highlighting the importance of having culturally appropriate protocols in place to support Koorie learners in Learn Locals.
Other distinguished guests in attendance include Deputy Secretary of Skills and Employment at the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions, Lill Healy, Executive Director ACFE, Higher Education and Workforce, Laura Lo Bianco-Smith, ACFE Director, Georgina Lyell, VAEAI General Manager, Lionel Bamblett and VACSAL CEO, Linda Bamblett.