Nominations for the Victorian Education Excellence Awards are now open. The Victorian Education Excellence Awards recognise the inspirational teachers, principals, business managers and education support staff who improve schools and support children and young people to develop the skills and learning outcomes they need to succeed in life.
This year we celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the VEEA. The VEEA is an opportunity to celebrate the real and unique differences teachers, principals and education support staff make to the lives of students and their communities, and to support the continued professional development of teachers, principals and education support staff through awarding winners with professional learning grants.
In 2021 two new award categories are being introduced to recognise excellent teachers in the first five years of their teaching career: Outstanding Early Career Primary Teacher and Outstanding Early Career Secondary Teacher. Winning teachers will each be awarded a professional learning grant of $20,000.
For information on who can, how to and tips to nominate, visit: https://www.education.vic.gov.au/about/awards/Pages/veeanominations.aspx