VAEAI is excited to announce the launch of the 2019 Wurreker Awards, an event which celebrates the people and organisations that passionately contribute to Koorie training, education and employment.
VAEAI’s Annual Wurreker Awards are an important part of our approach to growing success in Koorie training and education and the event highlights how high-quality learning and experience can open up new directions and pathways for Koorie people.
Now entering its 16th year, the Wurreker Award has gone frome strength to strength and the online nomination process available below will create easier and further opportunities for everyone involved in Koorie education to submit entries to celebrate and acknowledge the people who make fantastic contributions.
Nominations for the Wurreker Awards have closed with the event set to take place on the 16th of September.
Dr Mary Atkinson – Koorie Organisation Award
The Dr Mary Atkinson Koorie Organisation Award recognises Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations who develop and/or deliver training programs which build the skills of the workforce and build their organisational capabilities.
ELIGIBLE: Koorie Organisations that have made a significant contribution to developing training and programs over the last year.
Moogji Aboriginal Council
Teacher | Trainer Award
This award recognises the contribution that individual teachers or trainers make to the engagement of Koorie students and their learning experiences and achievements.
ELIGIBLE: A teacher or trainer that has made a significant contribution to engaging and mentoring Koorie students.
Eva Ponting | GOTAFE
Innovative Koorie Learner Pathways – TAFE Award
The Innovative Koorie Learner Pathways – TAFE Award is for new and innovative community driven programs, initiatives and partnerships in the TAFE sector that have resulted in improved pathways and career or employment outcomes for Koorie learners in Victoria
ELIGIBLE: A TAFE that has engaged and improved career or employment outcomes for Koorie students through their programs.
Federation University
Innovative Koorie Learner Pathways Award – Non-TAFE
The Innovative Koorie Learners Pathways – Non-TAFE Award is for new and innovative community-driven programs, initiatives and partnerships in Universities, Learn Locals or Private Registered Training Organisations that have resulted in improved pathways and career or employment outcomes for Koorie learners in Victoria.
ELIGIBLE: A Non-TAFE program that have improved pathways, career and employment outcomes for Koorie learners in Victoria.
AFL Sportsready
Community Based Employee Award
This Wurreker Award recognises individuals working in community based organisations who have experienced positive outcomes from their participation in training and / or employment programs and have made a positive contribution to their organisation and / or the Koorie community.
ELIGIBLE: An individual working for a community based organisation who has made a positive contribution to Koorie learners and their education?
Jo Harrison-Clarke | Wimmera Primary Care Partnership
Community Based Employer Award
This award recognises Community Based Employers who have made a demonstrable contribution to the employment and development of Koories, built their organisations capacity to engage with the community and provide a culturally safe workplace or are recognised by the Koorie community as leaders in the employment of Koories in their organisation.
ELIGIBLE: A community based organisation / employer that has built their capacity to engage with community and provide a culturally safe workplace / or are recognised by the Koorie community as leaders in the employment of Koories.
The Torch
Private Sector Employee Award
This Wurreker Award recognises individuals working in the private sector who have experienced positive outcomes from their participation in training and/or employment programs and have made a positive contribution to their organisation and/or the Koorie community.
ELIGIBLE: Do you know of an individual working in the private sector that has experienced positive outcomes from their participation, training and employment programs and have used that to make a positive contribution to their organisation or community?
Elijah Bux | Schiavello Ganbu Pty Ltd
Private Sector Employer Award
This award recognises Private Sector Employers who have made a demonstrable contribution to the employment and development of Koories, built their organisations capacity to engage with the community and provide a culturally safe workplace or are recongised by the Koorie community as leaders in the employment of Koories in their organisations.
ELIGIBLE: A private sector organisation / employer that has built their capacity to engage with community and provide a culturally safe workplace / or are recognised by the Koorie community as leaders in the employment of Koories.
Wan Yaari Aboriginal Consultancy
Public Sector Employee Award
This Wurreker Award recognises individuals working in the public sector who have experienced positive outcomes from their participation in training and / or employment programs and have made a positive contribution to their organisation and / or the Koorie community.
ELIGIBLE: An individual working in the public sector that has experienced positive outcomes from their participation, training and employment programs and have used that to make a positive contribution to their organisation or community.
Bronwyn Pickford | Department of Health & Human Services
Public Sector Employer Award
This award recognises Public Sector Employers who have made a demonstrable contribution to the employment and development of Koories, built their organisations capacities to engage with the community and provide a culturally safe workplace or are recognised by the Koorie community as leaders in the employment of Koories and their organisations.
ELIGIBLE: A public sector organisation / employer that has built their capacity to engage with community and provide a culturally safe workplace / or are recognised by the Koorie community as leaders in the employment of Koories.
Greater Shepparton Communities for Children – One Village Collaboration