Ensuring that Koorie learners have an approachable and viable pathway into further education to maximise their employment opportunities is a key role for VAEAI.
A structure has been refined so that support is available for Koorie learners seeking higher education and to ensure that there is support and guidance on to the next step of the journey.
The Wurreker strategy has been a key asset for VAEAI under the Marrung 10-Year Education Plan (2016-2026) with representatives available for consultation across every region in Victoria.
Wurreker Coordinator Phil Murray believes the opportunities and networking available through the Wurreker strategy has resulted in more Koorie learners engaging in VET, TAFE and university pathways to improve their employment opportunities.
“We play an advocacy role through the Wurreker brokers and programs to assist in providing information and communicating avenues and services that can best support Koorie learners embarking on the next step of the education pathway, whether it be university, TAFE or employment,
“We receive a lot of calls for support, financial and logistical and it’s our responsibility to know what is out there and what can be provided for Koorie students looking to up-skill their abilities.” Said Murray.
A part of VAEAI’s philosophy is a promotion of adding skills, regardless of age. There is a plethora of opportunities and networks connected to help and these avenues will only strengthen as Marrung and the Wurreker strategy grows.
“There are some fantastic initiatives available with universities and TAFE’s getting involved with scholarships, financial and resource assistance which encourages Koorie learners to increase their portfolio and further their opportunities for employment,
“We’ve seen a big push and effort with TAFE over the last year, with an increase of Koorie learners enrolling in courses and furthering studies. There’s still a little bit of work to do but with Marrung and our Local Aboriginal Consultative Groups we are seeing real progress.” Added Murray