The first Koorie Conversation Conference of 2019 focusing on Cirriculum & Culture was an important occasion with discussions and information shared amongst the Koorie workforce.
The conference was held over multiple days in Lorne, Victoria and encouraged the Koorie component of the education workforce to engage and communicate about the current landscape for Koorie learners as we continue under the Marrung 10-year education plan (2016-2026).
VAEAI President Geraldine Atkinson and Vice-President Mark Rose addressed the conference on the opening day and spoke adamantly about the status and progress of Koorie education.
“We formed over 40 years ago, because of the extremely poor education outcomes for our people, due to the complete lack of cultural understandings in schools, to make a change” said Aunty Geraldine
“We have been on this journey for a very long time,
“I really want to start with putting it out there straight away. I truly believe we’re in the midst of one of the most exciting times in Victoria’s education history.”

Geraldine and VAEAI Senior Project Officer Vaso Elefsiniotis led a workshop about incorporating Koorie perspectives into curriculum. The workshop focused on how to use the mandatory Victorian education curriculum elements to include Aboriginal history and content across a range of subjects.
Another feature of the conference involved representatives of our Local Area Consultation Groups with Aunty Phyllis, Lee Jones and Joey Chatfield discussing priorities and problems facing the current education structure.
They discussed some of the successes and challenges with progressing implementation of Marrung.
“Our success is central to education.”
“The strength of the relationship between the LAECG’s, schools and Koorie educators are of the utmost importance.”
“An integral part of this whole process is our connection with schools. We can’t all bombard the schools with our input and information which means the Koorie Education Service Officers are our messengers and representatives.”
There were a plethora of inspiring and valuable speakers including Tim Richardson MP, Deputy Secretary of Regional Services Group Bruce Armstrong, Deputy Secretary of Early Childhood and School Education Katy Haire, CEO of Victorian Cirriculum And Assessment Authority CEO David Howes, Victorian Treaty Advancement Commissioner Jill Gallagher and Adjunct Professor and Principal of Ranfurly Primary School Dennis Mitchell who shared their perspectives and stories.
VAEAI greatly appreciates everyone who was involved with the Koorie Conversations Conference and the hospitality and welcome shown by all. These gatherings are of the utmost importance as we strive to implement and employ Marrung to create a better future for Koorie learners.