With only twenty-six students, Wooragee Primary School near the town of Beechworth started a Dhudhuroa Language program in early 2018, taught by Rebecca (Bec) Crawley.
The program was initiated by John Pryor from the Benalla DET Regional Office, former Principal at Bright P-12 (which also offers Dhudhuroa), with Wooragee PS being one of the schools in his catchment area. As the school had no Languges (LOTE) teacher, John saw the opportunity to introduce Dhudhuroa at the school, further supported by KESO Tammy Campbell, who also supports Bright P-12.
There are two classes at Wooragee Primary School, P-3 and 4-6. School Principal Alicia Odewahn is very pleased to be able to offer the Indigenous Languages Program here at school, ‘We feel so lucky to be able to work with Bec and her team,’ she says.

Music and djinabi (possum skin cloak) made by Ngarra Murray, at Wooragee PS; photos courtesy Rebecca Crawley